Hypnosis is a very safe and natural form of therapy to bring a person into an altered state of consciousness where the subconscious level of the mind is in a state of hyper-suggestibility. Hypnosis also can mean you are in a trance-like state where you have heightened focus and concentation.
What does this mean exactly?
Well it means that one would be in a very deep relaxation where your subconscious becomes open to suggestibility. These are the suggestions you allow me to put in place with whichever intentions you have in your heart to work on. These go into the subconscious mind while you are in this deep relaxation (kind of like a guided meditation) to help you to let go of the thoughts, feelings, or behaviours that are no longer serving you.
While you are in hypnosis you are completely awake and are just in a heightened state of awareness. I as your therapist would be guiding you through the process, and would not have control over you or your thoughts or feelings. This process will assist you in empowering yourself to make the changes that you so desire. This hypnosis tool will help you to bring change within your thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours.
Hypnosis can be used to empower individuals with this astounding tool to assist with a variety of issues that are holding many back in their lives. These varieties of focus can include: smoking cessation, weight management, anxiety, fears, phobias, forgiveness, confidence, self-esteem, insecurities, money issues/beliefs, addictions, body image, stress management, relationship issues, exam prep, dental work, pain management, sleep issues and many many more.
Consultations are one 45-1hr long and sessions following are one hour each. You will be sent home with the voice recording of the session along with some other homework for each week to perform on a daily basis.
For any further information please feel free to reach out to me by clicking this link
"Contact Me" Thank you.
If hypnotherapy sounds like the perfect fit for you to make positive change in your life, or maybe you are interested in trying it out then click the link below to book your consultation or program.
I am now going to be offering some extensions onto my Hypnosis work, with Regression sessions. These sessions can vary based on what the client is needing or wanting in their journey. Here is a list of the different ones I am offering moving forward at this time. One of the techniques I love within the practices of regression is called Simpson Protocol. This form of regression is amazing because as Ines Simpson states - "Hypnosis isn't the one thing - its the thing that is used to get you to the thing. That thing is called the Super conscious mind, or Higher mind etc. Through this it is to the connections of all the energies around us."
This type and others of regression works through all deep level states such as Somnambulism, and Esdaile to name a few to reach all levels and parts of the clients psyche to achieve incredible outcomes. Also within my Regression Healing sessions, I will be using different types of regression techniques to achieve the best outcome for my client. Within these Regression Sessions I will also be offering Past Life Regressions as well. I will have two different Sessions in my menu moving forward for you to choose from.
Here is how I would describe the Regression that I experienced myself and that was going to soul level, this is a session where I experienced my soul floating out in the cosmos before I entered my mothers womb as an embryo. My super conscious mind brought forward to my conscious mind the experiences that I needed to know that was being healed in this life time to help me move forward, and the rest of them were cleared without my conscious awareness. This regression was my second session into Hypnotherapy in my own journey. This experience was what I call the birth of becoming a hypnotherapist. It changed my life in ways I cannot explain and were things I had been working on in counselling at the time for a few years already. I knew I would be diving into this work a few years ago and am so excited to be offering them and being the honoured guide for my clients to also have these amazing healings.
The Soul Regression sessions are longer than your standard hypnotherapy sessions, they are approximately up to three hours long. This is more of a holistic approach to connect with the super conscious mind which is bypassing the subconscious mind of the client and allowing it to do all the work of what is considered "healing" (in the largest possible sense to the word.) There is no certain forms of belief for this to work. I also have no control of the session other than being the guide. It is all for you! So here is the breakdown of two new sessions at this time.
1. Soul Regression Healing Session (2.5-3 hrs) *Must have 1-2 standard hypnotherapy sessions prior to book)
2.Soul Regression Healing Session with Past Life (2.5-3 hrs) *Must have 1-2 standard hypnotherapy sessions prior to book)
If you have not experienced Hypnotherapy yet, and would like to see if it is a fit for you on your journey then feel free to book in for a consultation so we can make a plan that is best suited for you!
This is the first step to making positive change in your life.
Initial consultation discussing the intentions you would like to set for your next future sessions is your first step in your Hypnotherapy journey. 45 minutes
After your initial consultation with me, this is the next step. Book your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd session. *Please ensure you have had your Initial Consultation prior*
Initial consult discussing the areas and intentions for your hypnotherapy sessions moving forward, and experiencing your first hypnosis session.
Programs set for these specific areas.
This program consists of 3 sessions @ 120ea. Your first session is 1.5hr long and these are done weekly. Payment for this program is paid upfront as it shows your commitment to the program, and the change you want to make to better your life and health.
This program consists of 5 sessions. Your first session is 1.5 hrs long. The 1-3rd sessions are done weekly, and the 4-5th sessions are followed bi-weekly. This program is paid up front at the first session as it shows your commitment to the program and the change you desire to make in your life.
This session is a holistic approach to connect with the Superconscious mind which is bypassing the subconscious mind of the client and allowing it to do all the work of what is considered "healing" (This is going to soul level.) I also have no control of the session other than being the guide.
*You may also book in for A Regression/ Past Life session which is having the same regression and including a past life experience*
Clients Must have 1-2 Hypnotherapy sessions prior to booking this.
This the same holistic approach to connect with the Superconscious mind which is bypassing the subconscious mind of the client and allowing it to do all the work of what is considered "healing" (This is going to soul level.) I also have no control of the session other than being your guide. These sessions include the regression healing with the addition of a past life experience. *2.5-3hour session*
Clients Must have 1-2 Hypnotherapy sessions prior to booking this.
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